The AMTC maintains an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 to ensure sustainable management right from the planning and procurement of machinery and equipment, as well as during operation and maintenance. Potential energy savings are identified and realised on an ongoing basis. Our aim is to make a contribution to climate protection.

The AMTC has set itself strategic goals, such as reducing the energy required to produce a photomask by 50% since 2013 by 2025. In 2022 and 2023, a reduction of more than 51% and 54% in energy consumption was already achieved. We have calculated that only just under 60% of the energy required for a three-person household per year is now needed to produce a photomask.

The technical systems are continuously checked in order to optimise operation and prevent or rectify malfunctions. This also makes a lot of business sense, as we save additional costs. For example, in 2024 we optimised heat regulation in the spring and autumn months to avoid losses of heating energy, as the control system was sometimes a little sluggish. With this measure, we were already able to save a considerable amount of natural gas by October 2024 and thus improve our carbon footprint by 250 tonnes of CO2e. What is sometimes just a feeling is precisely reflected in the system monitoring.


Avoiding CO2 emissions is one of the strategic goals of our energy and environmental management. Purchasing electricity from renewable sources helps us to sustainably improve our carbon footprint. This has enabled us to reduce our total CO2 emissions from electricity and natural gas consumption (included in Scope 1 and 2 emissions from GHG) by over 10,000 tonnes of CO2 per year since 2013 – despite a threefold increase in production volume!

In addition to emissions from energy consumption, we also record other sources that fall within Scope 1 and 2. AMTC's current balance is as follows:



In 2023, the CO2 equivalents emitted at the site were 1036 t CO2 equivalents.

In order to support European efforts to protect the climate, the AMTC has set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions Scope 1 & 2 to 0 by 2035. As a key measure, the installation of a heat pump will begin in 2025.

Scope 3 emissions currently arise mainly from the purchase and transport of goods, the purchase of services, and the transport of photomasks to customers. Scope 3 emissions are currently also being recorded and will be published subsequently.

All in all, the topic of energy and climate protection is more important than ever when it comes to expanding production, replacing aging equipment and increasing the workforce. For this reason, and from the perspective of society as a whole, AMTC is taking responsibility for its industrial activities and the associated environmental impacts.